Reza Sourki

Hello and Welcome! I’m Reza and I’m a Research Scientist focused on the interface of AI and physical simulations. I use the state-of-the-art AI algorithms and tools to learn and understand the physical systems. I’m interested in developing computational and data-driven solutions. I utilize a range of techniques from mathematical models to AI to exploit the physical informations.

My expertise in applied mechanics, mathematics, and AI allowed me to collaborate with various groups. I have been lucky to work on several ongoing multidisciplinary projects and research areas, which allow me to learn and broaden my range of expertise.

my research

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At Altair I’m focused on the state-of-the-art computation and physics AI. Previously, I obtained my Ph.D. from The University of British Columbia, and I did part of my Ph.D. at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University.
In my Ph.D., I worked on soft, textile-based materials and assistive devices in Composites Research Network and Bertoldi Group advised by Drs. Katia Bertoldi, Goran Fernlund (UBC Emiratus Prof.), Keith Humfeld (Boeing), Abbas Milani, and Reza Vaziri.

My Ph.D. research aimed to develop theoretical and numerical methods to design and optimize materials. I have developed models that enable an accurate and efficient prediction of the behavior and the 3D shape of complex architected materials.
To do so, I have designed several advanced experimental setups and fixtures to capture the behavior of such materials under in-plane and out-of-plane deformation modes.
I minimized the defect formations, i.e., wrinkles and bridges during deformation of soft, textile-based materials. I used FE simulations and machine learning-based analysis, in particular, optimization algorithms, Reinforcement Learning, and Deep Learning to tackle this problem.

my projects

GNN and physical domain

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